What Is your Favorite X-Files Episode?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Character Profiles

FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder:
Soon after his training at the FBI academy, which followed a stint at oxford to study psychology, Agent Mulder developed a keen interest in the paranormal. He quickly earned the nickname "spooky", convinced now that his missing sister, Samantha, was abducted by extraterrestrials, Mulder has made the brueau's unexplained, unsolved "X-Files" his personal obsession. Yet uncovering the truth often proves to be a tricky business, within and without the FBI. however, aided by his loyal parten, Dana Scully, Mulder manages to stay one step ahead in playing this mysrerious and often dangerous game.

FBI Special Agent Dana Scully:
Agent Scully has degrees in physics and medicine, which is ideal preparation for working on X-File cases. After teaching at the FBI acadamy for two years, her superious deemed her the perfect partner for Spooky Mulder. Scully's training, especially in forensic medince and pathology, leads her towards objectivity and common sense when investigating the often bizarre evidence presented by the X-Files. But she remains open to less pragmatic possibilities, usually with the help of Mulder, who's never afraid to challenge logic and science. And while the Bureau had somewhat expected Scully to debunk what is considered Mulder's contrary theories regarding the paranormal X-Files, her intellect and trust in her partner have instead steered the team to seep the truth - despite all types of impediments.

FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner:
It wansn't until ''Tooms,'' the zist episode of the premier season of The X-Files, thet we introduced to Mulder and Scully's new boss, Walter S. Skinner. The wait was worth it. An ex-Marine known for his nonsense approach, Skinner was replacing Section Cheif Blevins, and was expected to keep the Mavrick agents in line. Yet Skinner manages to see beyond the conspiratorial clouds puffed by his boss, the Cigarette-Smoking-Man. Skinner definitely is a company guy, and he did follow orders to shut down the X-Files. But he has enough integrity-as well as trust in the instincts of his truth-seeking charges and outrage over the dirty dealings of Agent Alex Krycek-to reopen them in the episode ''ascension.'' Indeed, skinner is so skilled at his double-edged job, mulder and scully are often left wondering just whos side the assistant director is on.

''Deep Throat'':
Many X-Files veiwers will recall an earlier Deep Throat, the real-life one who clandestinely fed information to Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward reguarding the watergate scandal, secrets that eventually destroyed Richard Nixon's administration. Hardin's fictional character picks right up where the still-unidentified presidency wrecker left of. Shrouded in mystery, The X-files' Deep Throat was one of agent Mulder's most important and enidmatic contacts. Obviously a man of great influence in the government, he appered from time to time with leads
for the x-files investergators (he warned Mulder about going to Ellens Air Force Base in their first encounter).His reasons for helping the agents were his own, although his guilt from having once executed an extraterrestrial on government orders may be a factor. Deep Throat is presumed dead after being shot in the first season finale, ''The Erlenmeyer Flask.''

X is not, repeat, not a replacement for deep throat. Where D. T. spoke in riddles and trembled I fear , X issues one order for every secret revealed, and his fear so consumes him that he won't hesitate to kill someone point blank if he sees them as a threat-as he did in ''one breath''. ''X'' knows what's out there, ''says William. ''he needs to lead Mulder to it straight down the path-A,B,C on down to z - and he won't let Mulder miss any steps in between.''And why the trust?'' X has more on Mulder that Mulder had on him,''explains williams. ''You can trust sombody you think you can lord it all over.''

Agent Alex Krycek:
To squeeky clean, to eager-beaver-y, to much of company man, how gratifying that Agent Krycek turned out to be a backstabbing judas, a cold blodded assasin, a kind of evil step child to the cigarette smoking man. Betrayer of Mulder, a accomplice to the murder of Scullys sister(played by Melissa Mcgraw, who lee dated for a spell) and now dispised by the cigarette smoking man, could it be that boy Kryck is just misunderstood?'' H's a victum, ''say's Lee, who addmitts that krycek has mean streak, but only because he's in over his head and he's reakting to bad situations. ''he's not just purly bad. ''as for krycek 180-degrees spin: ''i like the frenetic, total chaos of him now, ''say's Lee, ''but i'de also like to see some retribution.''
''The-Cigarette-Smoking Man'':
He slithers out from behind the shadows, incessantly blowing clouds of smoke, literally and figuratively. The Cigarette-Smoking Man is the prototypical boss who sees his role as that of guardian against those who would bring down the establishment. He twists and hides the truth, ''Cancer Man'' (as Mulder called him in ''One Breath'') would accept death to supress it. Yet human history is rife with cover-up artists whos obbsession to hide the facts finally led to their downfall. With a team as tenacious as Mulder and Scully, It will be intriguing to see if history repeats itself.

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